G-BPT7YC9WPE Practice | RossBiancoArchitect
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Our Mission

We are an acclaimed design & architectural practice that focuses on the unique needs of our clients while bringing specific vision to each project. We offer a comprehensive array of services, from the planning stage to post-construction facility management. You can count on the utmost professionalism in all that we do.

As a visionary practice, Ross Bianco Architect focuses on creating  innovative spaces that enhance the wellbeing of the users, visitors, residents and public. With an emphasis on understanding and delivering quality of experience, we are passionate about the way people interact with and experience the spaces we design.

Architecture. Interior Design. Planning

Celebrating for 35 years

Founded in 1988


As a design practice, we are proud of the relationships and collaborations over our 35 years. These relationships continue on an ongoing basis as our clients evolve in their pursuits and ask our practice to participate in their growth. our clients success fuels our passion to deliver a vision commensurate to their goals. in the end, these relationships transform from client/architect to "partnerships" for the present and future.   

As the creative director of a hands-on practice, Ross Bianco originates initial concepts and schematic design and continues an ongoing collaboration with the client, the client's team and an exceptional architectural staff, specific engineers, and specialty consultants to fulfill the project’s delivery process. From the beginning of every endeavor – including the early stages of “listening” to a client’s intent – Mr. Bianco oversees all aspects  of the process.

This constant focus ensures the project will be realized to match its original intent, vision, and client expectations. It is this focus that has served many different types of clients; and, many clients on a repeat basis.

Ross Bianco Architect and RBA International Inc., are affiliated design groups under the leadership of founding principal/architect, Ross Bianco. The core team at RBA includes Ross Bianco, Dustin Miller and Randi Bayer.

From the beginning of our practice and to the present, we combine “value” with quality at every phase of service. Upon his arrival in Pittsburgh in the 1980’s, Mr. Bianco’s rapid rise has been centered on design, client-focused services, and a unique ability to promote a vision not obviously apparent to others.

Ross Bianco

Founder & Principal 

    •  Founder and Owner, Ross Bianco Architect, Pittsburgh, PA, 

    • 1988 – present; offices in New York City, Pittsburgh and Los Angeles.

    • Former Vice President and Principal, Damianos and Associates, Pittsburgh, PA

    •  Bachelor of Arts Environmental Design, Miami University (Ohio)

    • Urban Design Workshop with Faculty of Boston Architectural Center, Harvard and Miami University

    • Urban Design Workshop, Europe 

    • Architectural Engineering, Penn State University

    • Licensed Architect in Pennsylvania and New York with joint venture affiliations in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Nevada and New Jersey.

    • Recipient of Rudolph Frankel Memorial Award, Department of Architecture, Miami University

    • Published widely in local, regional and national magazines and print media

    • Multiple awards from the AIA Pittsburgh; AIA Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh Historic Commission; NAIOP Renovation of the Year; Master Builders Association 

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